Expertise Numérique

Nous offrons une large gamme de services d'investigation numérique légale.

A person is operating a laptop, with the screen displaying a grid of photography images and graphics. The user interface appears to be for browsing or editing digital images. The laptop is placed on a wooden surface.
A person is operating a laptop, with the screen displaying a grid of photography images and graphics. The user interface appears to be for browsing or editing digital images. The laptop is placed on a wooden surface.
Audit de conformité

Nous fournissons des conseils stratégiques pour assurer la sécurité des données et la conformité à la législation en matière de protection, afin de garantir la tranquillité d'esprit à nos clients.

A dimly lit desk setup featuring a computer monitor displaying a document titled 'General Hardening Guideline'. The desk has a mechanical keyboard with blue and red keys, a lamp providing light on the right side, and various small items including notes pinned to the wall, a notebook, and a cup. There is a mesh office chair in front of the desk.
A dimly lit desk setup featuring a computer monitor displaying a document titled 'General Hardening Guideline'. The desk has a mechanical keyboard with blue and red keys, a lamp providing light on the right side, and various small items including notes pinned to the wall, a notebook, and a cup. There is a mesh office chair in front of the desk.
Investigation en source ouverte

Notre équipe d'experts réalise des investigations approfondies en source ouverte pour recueillir des renseignements probants, contribuant ainsi à des enquêtes efficaces et ciblées répondant aux attentes de nos clients.

Investigations Numériques Légales

Expertise forensique et conseils en protection des données pour tous.

On a wooden desk, there is a digital camera with a lens cap, a stack of books, an open laptop, a metallic desk lamp, a large camera lens, and multiple wallets. One of the books is a leather-bound notebook and several hard drives are placed on top of it.
On a wooden desk, there is a digital camera with a lens cap, a stack of books, an open laptop, a metallic desk lamp, a large camera lens, and multiple wallets. One of the books is a leather-bound notebook and several hard drives are placed on top of it.
A black and white image featuring a prominent fingerprint on a surface with scratch marks. The texture and details of the fingerprint are clearly visible, suggesting close-up photography.
A black and white image featuring a prominent fingerprint on a surface with scratch marks. The texture and details of the fingerprint are clearly visible, suggesting close-up photography.
A person is holding a digital camera and examining its settings while sitting at a desk. In front of them, there is a laptop displaying photo editing software, a graphics tablet, and a stylus pen. The lighting is soft and warm, creating a focused and creative atmosphere.
A person is holding a digital camera and examining its settings while sitting at a desk. In front of them, there is a laptop displaying photo editing software, a graphics tablet, and a stylus pen. The lighting is soft and warm, creating a focused and creative atmosphere.